Greenpeppercorns have a pleasant delectable quality that has made this asought after gourmet pepper. The process of producing these GreenPeppercorns begins with the picking of the immature green fruits fromthe same vine that produces the popular black peppercorn. Theseunripened peppercorns are then placed in boiling water, treated with apotassium sulphite, and then they are either dehydrated or frozen. Thesulfite is an oxidase inhibitor that prevents the blackening fromoxidation that is normally catalyzed by that enzyme. The ensuingresult is that these Green peppercorns are milder in flavor and bitethan the more common black peppercorns. We also carry a deep selection of peppercorns that you might also be interested in Black Peppercorns,Tellicherry Peppercorns, White Peppercorns,Pink Peppercorns and Sichuan Peppercorns.For those that like a bit more variety you might also be interested in our Gourmet Peppercorn Mixer. Aswith all of our peppercorns it is best to store these in a cool, darkplace as they will keep their flavor for 1-2 years (unlike groundpepper which tends to begin to lose its flavor after about 4 months).So if you don't already have a peppermill get one and grind your own asfreshly ground pepper provides a more robust flavorful experience thanground pepper. Good with chicken, eggs, fish, pork, salads,soup, strawberries and tomatoes.