Pink peppercorns are the dried berries of the shrub Schinus molle, also known as the Peruvian peppertree. Pink peppercorns are not actually related to black peppercorns, but get their name from the similarities in look and their peppery flavor. Pink peppercorns are light and delicate. They crush very easily and are almost hollow. Pink peppercorns are from the genus Piper which is related to the cashew family. For this reason, you should use caution when using Pink peppercorns around any person who has an allergy to nuts. Pink peppercorns are most frequently used in Peppercorn blends such as our Gourmet Peppercorn Mixer. They are prized for their spectacular reddish color (some folks call them red peppercorns) and the burst of flavor that they can add to almost any dish. History and CultivationPink peppercorns are native to South America, more specifically Brazil and Peru. They are now grown in many parts of the world including the United States. Pink peppercorns grow wild in the states of California, Texas and Florida, and have recently been banned in Florida due to their invasive nature. The exportation of pink peppercorns from Brazil and Peru has only been happening since the late 1800's or early 1900's but can now be found around the world. Our Pink Peppercorns are grown in Brazil. How and Where to UsePink peppercorns can be used in a variety of different dishes because their citrusy, fruit flavor combined with their peppery notes are very versatile.Pink peppercorns work well with fruit dishes and other desserts.The light, sweet flavor of pink peppercorns is ideal for accentuating light sauces and fish while adding a splash of color.Pink peppercorns are very popular in French dishes such as cêäte de boeuf with pink peppercorn sauce.Flavor ProfilePink Peppercorns have a delightful spicy-sweet flavor with hints of citrus.Helpful HintsWe stock a deep selection of peppercorns that you may also be interested in - Black Peppercorns, White Peppercorns, Green Peppercorns, Sichuan Peppercorns and our top of the line Tellicherry Peppercorns. It is best to store your peppercorns in a dark, cool place as this will help them keep their flavor for 1-2 years (unlike ground pepper which tends to lose its flavor beginning at about 4 months).Pink Peppercorns are related to the cashew family and may cause reactions in those who are allergic to tree nuts.